Growing and Keeping – The Customer Acquisition Retention Centric Approach

What keeps your customers coming back? How do potential online customers find you? The strategies and tools behind finding and keeping clients is included when you adopt a customer acquisition retention centric approach.

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Acquiring Customers

One of the most important steps to acquiring customers is creating a target audience profile.  The profile is a listing of various traits that are common to your preferred customers.  Your target audience profile can include the geographic locations, types of browsers, income levels, preferred web sites, and more.

Once you have an in-depth target audience profile you can take steps to attract qualified sales leads:

• Incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) into all online content
• Build email distribution lists and subscription management processes
• Create microsite pages for affiliates
• Launch a social media campaign using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or others depending on your profile preferences
• Publish an attractive web site that is designed to generate visitors that convert to customers

Retaining Customers

Once a customer has purchased, there should be a series of rules and processes that are launched specifically to keep the customer coming back. This can include:

• Understanding customer preferences – why did this customer complete the purchase? Fast delivery? Good value for the money? Superior customer support? Make sure you understand this clearly and tailor marketing towards the appropriate preference.
• Quality – your web pages should perform extremely well with minimal technical issues. Use AB Testing to make sure changes work as planned and the right options are selected.
• Tailoring – based around the customer’s purchase you can send emails or special offer coupons around related items or services.
• Reviews or ratings – offer a way for customers to review their experience and to help other visitors to make a purchase

Fyoosion has a comprehensive customer acquisition retention centric solution that is included in their marketing automation software platform.

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