Realizing Better Conversion Optimization

The conversion rate is a metric used by virtually all e-commerce businesses. This metric provides a percent of sales to web page visitors. Some businesses use modified versions of this metric, such as percent of sales transactions to product searches or queries. In any case, your conversion rate should be around the 3% level with the traditional calculation. If you are struggling to get to this number, or you feel it could be better, it is time to explore conversion optimization software.


What is Conversion Optimization Software?

Once you know your conversion rate, it is time to look for ways to improve it. One of the best ways to increase conversion rate is to utilize marketing automation software with built-in conversion analysis capabilities. Some of the key functions of marketing automation software include:

  • Evaluate conversions at the page level to help landing page optimization as well as microsites and other web pages for your business.
  • Comprehensive SEO analysis providing insights into better keyword utilization.
  • Analytics at a high level with the ability to drill down to segments such as conversions by device, conversions by OS platform, conversion by country or other geographic regions, and more.
  • AB testing that can help you make better web page decisions.
  • Conversions by channel such as Bing, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, and more.
  • Full social media integration to help boost qualified lead traffic to the best page.
  • Easy update management to provide quick changes to multiple web pages in just a few clicks.
  • Monitoring at a dashboard level, with tools to help you dig into more detail where needed.
  • Abandoned cart tracking and management to find out what might be causing abandonment rates to be higher – this may include steps/clicks for users, methods to pre-fill fields for easier shopping, and more.

Finding the Best Conversion Optimization Solution:

There are plenty of marketing software providers, but you should look carefully at solutions that can provide integration with world-class analytics applications and can provide comprehensive solutions tailored specifically for marketing professionals.
Fyoosion is the premier provider of marketing automation solutions, including highly effective conversion rate optimization. When you are ready to take your conversions to new levels of performance, contact Fyoosion for fast results.

How to Boost Customer Acquisition and Retention Using Today’s Advanced Marketing Technologies

It is important for businesses to have a customer centric approach to ensure that sales and profits are sustained in a growingly competitive marketplace. With most business sectors experiencing growth plateau and with customer expectations rising, there is an imminent need for improving engagement with customers for achieving a high level of customer acquisition and retention. This can be achieved by using advanced marketing technologies that can boost service while simultaneously integrating delivery channels.

Give Your Customers an Enhanced Experience
Businesses are recognizing the need to deliver an enhanced experience to customers for increased loyalty and lesser attrition. Marketing strategies such as cross-selling can lead to increased revenues and profits. Rapid development of technologies in marketing and the increasing dependence on digital tools by consumers makes it imperative for marketers to look at newer, smarter ways of engaging them. Marketing automation makes customer acquisition and retention easy for marketers and helps them enhance revenues and optimize several other areas of marketing.

Marketing automation can help improve the outcome of marketing campaigns through better targeting of customers and by leveraging the detailed and accurate customer information that advanced marketing tools provide. This can help in enhancing customer experience that can eventually lead to increased sales and profits. Use the best available marketing automation platform to increase customer retention and drive sales and profits.

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The Role of Direct Marketing Platform in Drawing Marketing Strategies

Marketing experts reveal that you can increase your profits exponentially by achieving a small increase in your customer retention rate. When you have done all the hard work and brought the customers to your business website, it could be frustrating not to convert them. But losing them to your competitors after having converted them could be even more exasperating. You need the best direct marketing platform to be able to acquire and retain customers optimally.

Achieve Desired Results
By using a suite of unique marketing tools and advanced technologies, you can achieve a high percentage of acquisition and retention. Targeted communication tools such as direct mail templates and email can be used to send the right message about a particular product range that appeal to your customers in a specific market segment. Advanced direct marketing platform comes with powerful marketing tools that can help you create the best campaigns and strategies for rewarding outcomes.

Improve Impact of Campaigns
Smart marketers are now using marketing automation software platform to improve marketing effectiveness and campaign implementation. They can automate several key areas of marketing and thus reduce cost significantly while ensuring that the campaign materials and message are delivered more effectively.

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The Role of B2C Marketing Automation Software in Targeting Your Audience Efficiently

B2B marketing automation focuses on a definite target market and can be used for delivering qualified leads to marketers; B2C marketing automation takes a very different approach. In this aspect, the product and brand are the areas which marketers focus on. This marketing automation platform can help marketers improve sales potential by minimizing shopping cart abandonment rates and leverage partnerships. It can also help boost revenue through advanced marketing procedures like cross-selling and up-selling.

Helps in More Efficient Management of Data

Unlike B2B marketing automation software which is used primarily for lead generation and engaging customers better, B2C marketing automation is used for brand building measures. You can easily automate marketing programs to have all your vital customer data in one centralized place. This can help in improving the level of engagement of marketing campaigns.

The key goals of using marketing automation software in the B2C segment include achieving higher redemption numbers and increase in brand capital. Marketers can create enhanced loyalty programs by using the data provided by the system. They can personalize customer experience individually by providing them precisely what they are looking for, delivering a great experience every time they visit your website and ensuring that they keep coming back at regular intervals.

Give More Teeth to Your Campaigns

Marketing automation for B2C is also an effective way of automating your campaigns. Customized, marketing programs that include multiple steps can be created to address the needs of your targeted audience better. The software can be used to make recommendations of the products most relevant to your targeted market and achieve the desired sales and profits. In other words, you can use the system to give your customers what they want at the right time and through the desired medium.

Online B2C businesses can take the first step towards B2C marketing automation by automating some of the basic tasks that they have been handling manually till now. It is important to categorize customers on the basis of their interests and purchase behavior before you are ready to target them with individually customized content.

Use the services of a reliable and proven B2C marketing automation platform. Fyoosion fits the description perfectly according to many marketing automation experts.

Give Your Marketing Campaigns More Power with Advanced Cloud Marketing Platform

cloud-41012_640When traditional marketing is combined with software associated programs, it leads to the creation of a cloud marketing process. You can easily shift all marketing assets to an online resource where they can exist in customized portals. By placing these assets online, it becomes easy for all players concerned to access, modify, share and use them. In other words, a cloud marketing platform empowers marketers with the tools needed to optimize efficiency and convenience.

How it makes your tasks easier
Marketing automation that offer cloud-based solutions have become the next big thing for most enterprises. Major brands often have to make use of multiple mediums and channels to reach their target audiences. This can be achieved only when they have the tools and technologies necessary to plan, develop and manage campaigns and customize the content to its different channels.

Cloud marketing platform can be used to launch marketing strategies and campaigns swiftly without having to depend on your IT resources. The platform can be expanded to match your growing needs because of the easy scalability feature. It can simplify the planning and management of your brand’s marketing content which in turn, makes selection and transmission of content over various marketing channels hassle-free and effortless.

Choose the right provider for better results
Marketing activities require time and access to the right resources. That’s why the more marketing activities you automate, the better will be your experience. Besides saving you time to focus on your core business areas, it can also improve the efficacy of campaigns significantly.

Choosing the right cloud marketing platform is imperative to achieve the desired goals. Choose a marketing partner with unrivaled experience in cloud and in diverse marketing conditions. They should be able to guide you into choosing the best options for your business requirements.

Cloud marketing platform also has features that help you design and test different types of websites and microsite pages and deploy the ones that offers the best chance of achieving your marketing goals. The platform can also be used for tracking performance metrics and ensuring that your marketing objectives are moving in the intended direction.

Direct marketing platform like Fyoosion offers the best resources to empower your marketing campaigns which you can build from scratch and execute successfully, independently without any IT support.

Facts to Consider While Utilizing Website Conversion Optimization Tools

1Website conversion is defined as the specific action that marketers want their targeted audience to perform when they visit their website. When it happens, the visitor becomes a lead for the company. Website conversion optimization is the technique or series of techniques used to boost the percentage of people who take the desired action on the website and become leads for the company.
A complex process that must be handled by experts

As is abundantly evident, conversions do not happen simply like that. It is a highly scientific process which involves a series of controlled tests and evaluation of results. The outcome is minutely analyzed and dissected to create processes which can be applied to achieve higher conversions that can potentially lead to increased customer retention, better sales and enhanced profits.
Thousands of tests are conducted to arrive at the best variations that can nudge visitors into performing actions like downloading, clicking on a link, registering, buying, making a call or referring a friend. The core focus of marketers is to make sure these web channels are integrated with technologies so that conversion can be maximized and optimized. Real-time analytics are provided to marketers which can be used to enhance conversions.
What are the aspects to consider?

There are many aspects to consider before you create the systems and processes for website conversion optimization. Marketers can use appropriate copy on a website or a landing page to convince visitors to stay. Conversion can be improved by providing clear and personalized information to visitors which will point them to the direction that marketers want them to go.
Marketers aim to evolve with customers and that can be the only effective way of increasing the lifetime value of each visitor or customer. Optimization is a continuous process which must be fine tuned to keep pace with the changing tastes and demands of customers and the evolving market dynamics. By using the right marketing automation software, this can be achieved by companies easily.

Why Marketing Automation for B2C is Growing in Demand Among Marketers

Data is playing an increasingly critical role in business decisions. And that’s why marketers are becoming more and more tempted to use marketing automation to collect, collate and use data for more creating meaningful and impactful marketing campaigns. When challenged to demonstrate the potential results of a campaign, marketers can do so easily with the best marketing automation for B2C software.


Send Out Communications Effectively
B2C marketing professionals are now putting their foot down, demanding an increase in investments in digital marketing. They also plan to add marketing analytics to create a more meaningful campaign that can deliver the expected results and more. Marketing automation for B2C is the software on many companies shopping list as it has the capability to send out marketing communications automatically but that’s not the only benefit. There are several others as well.

B2C marketing automation can be used to measure performance and track metrics. The ability to measure marketing results is a huge asset as the benefits of campaigns can be judged on several parameters and the strategies tweaked to improve outcomes. It can help improve revenues and put companies on the winning track.

Improved Social Media Management
B2C marketing campaigns are now run more effectively on social networks but measuring their impact can be tough. Most marketing campaigns resort to shooting in the dark which results in a disproportionate expenditure-outcome ratio. Besides, marketing on social media can become an extremely time-consuming activity for a marketing team. Direct marketing automation can help companies set up a social media posting schedule without having to spend too much time on drawing up and executing campaigns and repeating them at appropriate intervals. Marketing automation tools can do it automatically according to the needs of your business.

Marketing automation tools are also being used extensively by B2C marketers for creating powerful microsite platform to launch laser sharp campaigns for specific products and services of an organization.

Which Marketing Automation Software Platform is Best for You?

As your marketing strategy matures or expands, automating some of the marketing tasks is a good decision.  Your team can devote more time to creative work while leaving the data gathering and processing to a marketing automation software platform.  But how do you decide which platform would work best for your business?

Analyze Your Needs

 Get a clear understanding of your current marketing needs and what your requirements will be over the next 3 to 5 years.  Some of the items to review in your analysis can include:

  • What takes the most time? Take a look at all of the processes that your team performs and identify the one that consumes the most time.  Is it entering new leads?  Social media posts?  Email processing?  Make sure that your marketing automation platform can help reduce the time on this process.
  • Which tasks provide the most benefit? Can you determine if a particular task yields good ROI, and if automated could be even better?  Make sure this item is also addressed in your marketing automation software.
  • What are your marketing goals? Do you wish to increase web site visitors?  Generate more leads?  Improve conversion rates?  Stay focused on your key strategic goals and make sure your choice can help you to achieve those goals.

 Functional Capabilities for Now and the Future

 The best marketing automation software platform will not just have  good core functionality but will also have the ability to integrate and provide best practices to boost your results.  Some of the capabilities should include:

  • Lead Generation – several key tools should help to generate leads for your business. These tools should include strong SEO analysis as well as gathering as much information about visitors as possible. For example, partial data such as an email address and geographic area can help you to get more insight into a visitor so that you can entice them to make a purchase.

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What Is A Marketing Automation Software Platform, And Why Do You Need It?

In the good old days (was it only a few years ago?), depending or your product/service, you advertised in newspapers, magazines, possibly TV/radio, and maybe did some direct mail. Then you just sort of sat back and waited to see what would happen. Sometimes you could gauge how well your marketing was doing by the amount of sales you brought in. Sometimes, you couldn’t. To be honest, it was the proverbial crapshoot. Then came the internet, and the need for Marketing Automation Software Platforms.

3 billion users … and growing!

Can you believe it? Something that wasn’t even here just a few short years ago, is now being used by over 3 billion people on a daily basis. 650 million in China, 280 million in the US, 240 million in India, and hundreds of millions more across Europe, South America, Africa and all the rest. But just because 3 billion users will have access to your website, doesn’t mean it’s going to translate into sales. You need to monitor exactly what’s going on out there, to have a flexible marketing plan that can take advantage of market conditions, and an overall, comprehensive accountable action plan that works 24/7/365. Voila! You need a proactive marketing automation software program. And you need it sooner, rather than later.

The better the technology, the better the results

The technologies you need to utilize for the most effective marketing automation software platform consist of Maximizing Acquisition, Optimizing Conversion, and Customer Behavior Analysis.

  • Maximizing Acquisition … This can include such elements as Click-to-Chat, Click-to-Call, Exit Pop and other tools that will improve conversion rates.
  • Optimizing Conversion … This may include A/B Testing, Phone, Address, Email, and Zip Code validation.
  • Customer Behavior Analysis … Knowing your customer gives you a strategic sales advantage.

These three technological approaches essentially tell you the who, what, where, and why of your potential market. They allow you to be flexible in your market approach, take advantage of things that are working, and discarding those that are not. In other words, sell harder, sell faster, sell smarter – not to mention getting the biggest bang for your marketing spend.

How do you go about setting up a comprehensive Marketing Automation Software Platform for your company?

There are two ways you can do this:

  • Handle it in-house … This, of course, will mean hiring a staff of techies, designers, and marketing gurus to set it up, then run it. Rather expensive, to say the least. Or, you could do what most serious internet marketers do …
  • Hire a firm to handle it for you … There are many good firms out there who specialize in internet marketing, results oriented, technologies. And, there are some that, well, aren’t so good. You’re going to have to do some research to determine which firms you want to interview. Ask to see their client list and check it out. Have them explain their approach in language you can understand. You might start with a firm that meets all your needs. It should be a well-established firm with a solid reputation, e.g. Fyoosion, which provides one stop marketing automation solutions on a single platform. In any case, there are 3 billion browsers out there. Make sure you get your share!

Retention Automation Platform for Effective Management of Your Customer Database

Is it more important for a business to acquire more new customers on a regular basis or to retain its existing customer base successfully? The debate can go on endlessly. Marketing experts are unwilling to take sides. They say both acquiring new customers as well as retaining existing ones are equally important. While acquiring new customers may appear to be easy, given the numerous sophisticated marketing tools available for the purpose, to increase customer retention can be quite a major challenge.

Helps Strike the Right Balance

Marketers are turning to retention automation platform to achieve this. It is quite normal for a company’s core customer base to rise and fall as new customers are added. It is important to regularly assess the number of active customers in the base and ensure that verifying that you are striking the right balance between the customer acquisition and retention numbers. Your customer base must have an impressive percentage of existing customers because it indicates that they love your products and/or services and are not inclined to go elsewhere.

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